I offer a dance practice from the Open Floor School under the name “Moving Soul”. See the bottom of this tab for more information about Open Floor dance.
You can also:
1. Go to the drop down menu on this Tab to find out about:
- my current dance offerings
- my dance background
- a description of Open Floor as a dance practice (also visit www.openfloor.org)
2. Visit the Blog article on this website entitled “MovingSoul: Eight Lenses on the Dance”. This provides an insight into some of the layers to the dance/movement practice.
3. Press on the link to the “Moving Soul on the Open Floor” Facebook group on the right hand side of the screen to explore further and interact with others who like this dance practice.
Here is a description of Open Floor from two perspectives:
a) Dance & immerse yourself in a diverse mix of global and contemporary music. A two hour dance journey into the territory of your life, woven together by beats that make you move and ballads that make you feel. Let your body speak!
b) Open Floor as a practice is also about developing resilience and self awareness through embodiment on four levels:
i) We explore and develop our physical capacities: fitness; flexibility; endurance; self pacing; proprioceptive and kinaesthetic awareness; spatial awareness; physical expression. Core movement principles are explored together with Laban Movement Analysis (an additional layer).
ii) We develop our emotional capacities: to identify and open to our feelings; to sooth ourselves; to hold, express, integrate and release feelings as we need; to identify and express the layers of emotion that we carry beneath the surface.
iii) We develop our mental capacity: to become more conscious of the thoughts and stories we carry and how they are impacting on us; to soften or release ourselves from obsessive thoughts; to create an embodied understanding of how thoughts and feelings are connected.
iv) We develop our capacity to connect to something greater than ourselves: to develop our awareness of what we are being uniquely called into in our lives, what is our contribution; to develop and claim an expanded sense of self and increased clarity of how to be in the world in regard to our greater purpose.
Along the way we explore what are termed in Open Floor as “The Four Hungers” or needs that we share as humans:
1. Solitude
2. Connection with others
3. Belonging to community
4. Connection with Spirit