Note: The following websites are in alphabetical order. If a link is offline for some reason, try “google”
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
The site aims to assist parents and families to understand developmental, behavioural, emotional and mental disorders affecting children and young people.
Australian Commonwealth Department of Health
The Mental Health Branch of the Australian Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services aims to improve mental health outcomes in Australia by providing a national policy approach to mental health. Click on publications & resources for good quality mental health information for young people, parents and carers.
Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
Services to help organisations and health professionals who work with people affected by traumatic events.
Australian Psychological Society
Australia’s largest professional association for psychologists in Australia. Practitioner and academic resources. Community Information. Publications and Products.
Authentic Happiness: Using the new positive psychology
Promotion of the field of Positive Psychology. This discipline includes the study of positive emotion, positive character traits, and positive institutions.
Beyond blue
A national, independent, not-for-profit organization working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.
Bipolar Disorder
Facts and management strategies for managing bipolar disorder.
Black Dog Institute
Educational website specialising in mood disorders. Expert advice on depression and bipolar disorder, how to get help and stay well.
Provides information about the symptoms of depression and how depression is diagnosed: which medical, psychological and alternative treatments work for depression and which don’t; people, organisations, books, web sites and other resources that may be helpful if you are depressed.
Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression
Self help for those troubled by anxiety and depression. Also information for clinicians.
CLIMATE Recovery Courses provide health information to people under the care of a clinician to help them learn how to manage their disorder better. Climate has Recovery Courses for Anxiety, Asthma, Arthritis, Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Heart Failure and Incontinence.
Conflict Resolution Network
Resources and free training material for building better relationships.
Provides a comprehensive online resource for Australians living with depression and their families and friends to come for information, help & support. The dNet team are Australians from a variety of backgrounds who have personal experiences with depression.
Embrace the future
An Australian program for young people aged up to 24 to educate in strategies and skills which promote and sustain resiliency and positive mental health.
The website has information about a number of topics including: early psychosis; getting help; services provided by EPPIC; and research that is being conducted at EPPIC. Different parts of this site cater for different audiences, such as mental health professionals, people who know someone who might be experiencing psychosis, people who are experiencing or recovering from psychosis and the general public.
Good Therapy Australia
An online resource outlining various approaches in counseling and psychotherapy. Site also has a directory of practitioners, a public forum, articles and a bookstore.
Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation.
Head Room
Dedicated to the positive mental health of children and adolescents and the adults in their life.
A site for young people who have a friend or family member affected by mental illness. Itsallright is a website where you can read the diaries of four fictional teenagers touched by mental illness. It also has useful factsheets and provides an online information and referral service for mental illness including schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorders.
Just Ask
Lifelines national mental health information and referral service specializing in self-help approaches to mental health.
Just Look
Lifelines national database of low or no cost health and community services offered throughout Australia.
Kids Help Line
A free, confidential and anonymous 24-hr telephone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 – 18.
Lifeline Australia
A 24-hr telephone counseling service for anyone, at any time and from anywhere in Australia.
LivingWorks Australia
A suicide prevention scheme that delivers programs to promote suicide awareness, increase practical skills in suicide first aid and focus on follow-up help with people at risk.
Making Changes
Provides self help approaches using cognitive therapy for depression, anxiety, stress, worry, insomnia and relationship difficulties.
MoodGYM Training Program
Delivering cognitive behaviour therapy for preventing depression.
NSW Psychologists Registration Board
This website contains information about the New South Wales Psychologists Registration Board, the registration of psychologists and the Board’s activities.
Orygen Youth Health
ORYGEN is a unique organisation made up of a specialist youth mental health service, a research centre and a range of education, training, advocacy and health promotion activities. The overall goal of ORYGEN is to integrate knowledge gained from clinical practice and research activities to implement, and advocate for, high quality mental health services for young people. Good fact sheets for young people can be found on this site.
PsycOz Publications
Professional resources for effective psychotherapy and counseling.
Reality Check
Site helps young people make better choices about mental health.
Reach Out
A service that helps young people get through tough times. It provides information and support on a range of issues including depression and anxiety.
Royal College of Psychiatry
The site provides a list of comprehensive resources on mental health problems. Click on public on the home page and then mental health information.
SANE Australia
A National charity helping people affected by mental illness through campaigning, educationa and research. SANE is an independent national organisation committed to improving the wellbeing of Australians seriously affected by mental illness. This site offers a wide range of information for carers, family and friends about mental illness.
Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW
The Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Inc. is committed to improving the circumstances and welfare of people living with schizophrenia, their relatives and carers, and professionals working in the area.
The Happiness Institute
Based on the field of positive psychology, the site offers a number of programs, a range of products, as well as online courses.
Youth Beyond Blue
Ybblue’s all about getting the message out there that it’s okay to talk about depression, and to encourage young people and their family and friends to get help when it’s needed.